PolyCom Stabilising Aid and DustChek commonly answered questions

What type of materials does PolyCom Stabilising Aid work with?

The advantage of PolyCom Stabilising Aid is in its flexibility to be applied to a wide variety of material types, including silt, clay, gravels, and crushed rock, at one simple application rate so that no complicated mix design is required.

Will pavements treated with PolyCom Stabilising Aid remain flexible?

Yes. PolyCom-stabilised pavements deliver comparable results to traditional stabilising methods with regard to strength but also remain flexible and resistant to shrinkage, cracking, and becoming brittle.

Will PolyCom Stabilising Aid help to achieve compaction in road construction and earthworks?

Yes. PolyCom will enable higher, more uniform densities with less compactive effort whilst reducing the optimum moisture content (OMC) of the material.

Can PolyCom be used for subgrade improvement and capping?

Yes, PolyCom introduces water resistance and increased strength to subgrades, delivering a more resilient and sustainable platform for your project. This produces cost savings through more economic pavement designs and drainage options. Sub-grade capping with PolyCom can substantially reduce re-work from weather or traffic damage in cut-to-fill operations, again reducing project costs.

How does PolyCom Stabilising Aid work?

After spreading and addition of water as required, PolyCom works by binding the particles when compacted, thereby increasing water resistance and improving and preserving the dry strength of the construction material. PolyCom has been designed so that it is transported and distributed uniformly throughout the material by water. Cross-blending or mixing the PolyCom-treated material completes the distribution process. PolyCom also acts as a lubricant within the material, aiding workability, and resulting in a denser, stronger pavement.

Is PolyCom safe from an OH&S perspective?

Yes, no special precautions or PPE are usually required and no heavy lifting is required to utilise PolyCom in most projects. We recommend that you speak to your distributor for detailed information about your project's requirements, however.

Will PolyCom harm my machinery or paintwork?

No, PolyCom will not react with metal or paintwork and therefore will not harm construction machinery.

Will adding PolyCom delay my project or lengthen my timeframe?

No, the addition of PolyCom is not a factor in project duration, requiring only a few minutes to spread. After spreading, the road or surface can be constructed as normal.

How long will DustChek control dust?

The stabilised area will last for as long as it is maintained correctly. There is a minimum amount required to be applied every couple of days which will keep the area stable and dust free.Ongoing maintenance is negligible.

Does DustChek crack or become brittle in sunlight?

No, the product will withstand all weather conditions. In Australia, it is used in the desert and also in the Alpine winter snow-covered areas. DustChek is engineered to meet industry needs in any environment.

Is DustChek and PolyCom Stabilising Aid environmentally safe?

Yes, both products have undergone rigorous testing and are considered non-toxic, non-hazardous, non-corrosive, and harmless to humans and plant life.

Contact us today for additional information on any of our products or to work with BioCentral as a partner.